Investment, or buying of some business involves a number of steps which should be undertaken and implemented. Due diligence process includes a detail examination and analysis of the company which is taken over. The objective of the due diligence is minimizing of risk and prevention of possible surprises after the takeover.
We are performing the following types of due diligence:
- Tax due diligence
- Financial due diligence
- Commercial due diligence
- Technical due diligence
- Legal due diligence
Our team of experts analyze the capital of the legal entity which is taken over, analyze the entire assets of the company, performance of profit / loss in the previous period, projections of profit / loss for the future, analyze the structure of obligations with the center point on the liquidity issue, analyze the quality of management.
Besides this, during due diligence we are focused on the tax aspect, reality and conserving of financial plans, as well on all agreements concluded by the entity with customers, suppliers, banks, etc.