-Accounting and reporting-

Bookkeeping for all legal entities

An accounting isn’t only a legal obligation. Although business books serve to government bodies in order to have insight to your business, it should primarily serve to you, and to provide you a real insight into the business. Good book-keeping implies respect of law regulations, respect of standards, updating, but also educating clients how to use information which they are acquiring from business books. Certainly, good book-keeping means also quality processing of business data and information, good division of revenues and expenses, respect of IAS (International Accounting Standard) in companies which are applying IAS, proper register of property and liabilities.

Modus Consulting provides accounting services to all legal entities (small, medium, large), for non-profit organizations, associations, branches of foreign legal entities and other business-legal forms of entities.

Book-keeping services includes:

  • General ledger accounting
  • Payroll service
  • Fixed assets register
  • Calculation different type odf taxes and processing in front of tax government
  • Accounting estimations
  • Another
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